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Welcome to the DIAF testimonials page!  

Read on for the real-life experiences, stories, struggles and wins of some of my beloved students.  All the testimonials gathered on this page are 100% authentic.

The ages and positions of the students featured hereunder are referring to the time that they took the course.

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Liana Vella Zarb
Solid State Chemistry professor at University, and mum to a 3 year old boy

I used to love cooking and being creative in the kitchen, but meal time had become a chore, so I enrolled in Dinner in a Flash hoping to reignite that passion.

I lead a very busy lifestyle so being organised is a must.  I love organising my day, my life, and my home, but with all my commitments I was finding myself having to choose between cooking and spending time with my family. 

Deciding what to cook, inevitable last minute shopping and then the actual cooking itself would take me ages, and living in close proximity to two super markets had led me into relying on daily last minute trips to the shops. I wanted to put a stop to that. My thought was - there simply must be a way to be a full time working mum, cook healthy meals and still find time to spend with my son!

 Enter Nakita...and her batch cooking solution. I had never done it and the thought of it was overwhelming. I simply had no idea how to go about it. The key, I’ve learned, is to plan to cook on days when you have chunks of time. You don’t need to cook everyday to serve fresh home cooked food. Boom. Mind blown!

I now cook twice a week. Yes, you read well. Twice a week.
And my family eats healthy home cooked meals every single day. I prepare food in advance knowing that this will spare me kitchen time on hectic days. The freezer and slow cooker have become my best friends. 
The best part of it is that I’m much less stressed, and there’s no guilt, because I’m spending more time with my son and we’re still eating healthy meals every day. Win-win!

Signing up for Dinner in a Flash has been a game changer for me, and I’d recommend it to anyone who leads a busy life and wants to claim their time back!

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Anne Marie Farrugia Naudi
Full-time learning support educator, and mum to a 6 year old boy

I signed up for Dinner in a Flash as I was tired of feeling like I was  ‘running out of time’. 

The idea of saving time by meal planning, batch cooking and having a great system always intrigued me, but I had never managed to do it well or consistently.
On some days, I used to be overly exhausted by mid-week and with no energy to keep up with almost anything from my plan.

Thanks to Dinner in a Flash, now I can meal plan and make grocery lists in 30minutes every fortnight, and purchase groceries online consistently.
I am also planning the slots or days for batch cooking which I always loved but I am being so much more efficient with.

Post-DIAF I can say I feel much calmer overall as I feel I am more in control of the busy life and all that comes with it.  I can also allow myself to have extra quality time with my family, which is a huge bonus!
In a nutshell, my whole family is in a much happier place thanks to the course.

I especially loved Dinner in a Flash because not only did I learn to implement a fantastic system through video lessons packed with advice and tips, but I got constant support through Nakita and the other students in the private Facebook group.

What can I add? If taken seriously, Dinner in a Flash is really and truly LIFE-CHANGING!!

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Charlene Sammut
Full-time accountant, and mum to a 3 year old boy

I signed up for Dinner in a Flash because I had enrolled for Nakita’s slow cooker course, ‘Slow cooking, fast batching’ and it totally changed the way I used my slow cooker.  I found the course so incredibly helpful, that when I heard DIAF was open for enrollment I took the plunge and enrolled immediately!

I’ve always been an organised person in general, however Dinner in a Flash took my skills to a whole new level.

Before I went through DIAF I used to meal plan weekly (in a not-so-ideal way), but I was always struggling to have dinner prepared on time and I used to feel I spent way too much time in the kitchen. 

I used to make a daily stop at the shops on my way back from work, hurriedly picking out items that could be used for that day’s dinner.  I’d then spend over an hour each day preparing dinner whilst feeling guilty for not being able to stop and play with my son and give him the attention he deserved after a long day away from me.

To add insult to injury, my lack of planning meant I was left with extra food, all going to waste.

Now that I have learnt and implemented Nakita’s system I enjoy planning beforehand and having readily prepared homemade meals for busier days. Evenings are so much less stressful!  My daily shopping stops have decreased substantially too, saving me a lot of time every single day!

I loved Dinner in a Flash as it goes into the step-by-step of how to implement strategies which result in making many positive changes in one’s life.  

The Facebook group was a great community and meeting place, where I learnt lots from the other students too.  The weekly lives by Nakita are amazing, she was very supportive throughout.

Dinner in a Flash is very well organised with checklists, guides and PDFs.  The online phases and lessons are to the point and super valuable.  They’re not too long yet have the value you need to make progress, so it is easy to follow through.
It is a huge bonus that you get lifetime access to DIAF, I’ve been since revising specific lessons whenever I feel I need to refer back to something.

I am so very grateful I signed up for Dinner in a Flash.  It has given me the gift of calmer evenings with my family, something I have always longed for especially after becoming a mum. 
DIAF was a complete game changer, and I truly recommend it to anyone who
is always struggling to prepare family dinners and feels overwhelmed by the time spent in the kitchen.

"As I progressed I felt reassured and started to gain confidence in the new methods I was learning.  The stress subsided, and I started to feel like I could get my life back in order and on track,  I felt more like ME because a huge stressor (meals!) had been sorted.   As a result I was happier, and this influenced my immediate family.  Smiles are contagious, and the positive effects of the course rubbed off on us all!"

-Nicola Cherry
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Fiona Dalmas
Stay at home mum to 4 boys, ages 11, 8, 2 and 1.

Pre-Dinner in a Flash I was really struggling to find balance.
Meal times were always super stressful as I have 2 very fussy eaters. I’d attempted to meal plan in the past but I had no system in place.  It was all hit and miss and we never really stuck to it. Needless to say mealtimes were a disaster.  

Because of the lack of structure I would feel very stressed trying to cook meals from scratch in between all my other to-dos and commitments. I wouldn't have enough quality time with my family and that left me feeling very guilty and overall frazzled. 

Nakita is an angel in disguise! Thanks to DIAF I now have a totally new way of shopping, meal planning and batch cooking. I’ve followed her course to the letter and I now have so much more free time with my family, I’m a lot less stressed and everyone is a lot happier. I will use this system for the rest of my life, I’m sure of it. 

I have completely changed my mealtime planning process. After learning and implementing Nakita’s strategies for dinnertime, I took the plunge and applied the same knowledge for breakfasts and lunches too.  Win win!
I cannot tell you the amount of time I have gained. I went from fanatically cooking every single day to now having 2 to 3 blissful days where I don't have to cook at all! I never thought that would be possible. 

 I am so, so thankful that I signed up for the course as I have gained so much valuable information that you really cannot find anywhere else. 

Nakita is a wonderful teacher and really helps all the way through and beyond with support and guidance. You are totally free to learn at your own pace which is fantastic for the busy mum as my free time varies from day to day. The Dinner in a Flash online community is fantastic too. It's so lovely to be able to share struggles and success with other students and everyone cheers each other on.

If you are asking yourself right now if this is the right course for you then I would 110% say YES it is! Take the plunge and sign up - you will definitely thank yourself for it, just like I did.

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Natasha Attard, working mum of 3 pre-teens.

I signed up for DIAF as I wanted to improve my planning and organisational skills when it comes to meal planning and prepping. 

My main issue was that things got a little out of hand when I was in a hurry, or got home later than usual. I wanted to know which food was best to cook when time was limited. I was also after ideas on how to organize my kitchen, fridge and freezer. I wished to learn more about meal planning and prepping so I could have more time with my family.

Now I know how I can set up a grocery list quickly, organise my kitchen better and how to meal plan efficiently.  Batch cooking and using the slow cooker and freezing, as well as planning the whole process has really changed my life for the better!

I feel much more in control of everything, and can now spend more time with my family. I highly recommend the programme who is feeling overwhelmed and is spending too much time in the kitchen, day in, day out!

I’m thankful I signed up, I got more than I expected and would recommend DIAF to anyone who wants to have more control over their own lives when it comes to meals.

Thank you Nakita!

"Another shout-out for the batch-cooking and slow-cooker queen Nakita!! Besides, I recommend you join her Dinner in a Flash course.  I'm currently enrolled and it is simply AMAZING, she has put SO much into it!"

-Sarah Abela Porsella Flores
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Nicola Cherry, project leader and a mama to two kids - a 3 month old baby boy & a daughter aged 7.

I signed up for Dinner in a Flash because as a mum to a newborn and a 7 year old I felt overwhelmed and anxious.  I was due to go back to work after a long stretch of maternity and I kept doubting if I’d be able to cope.  It seemed impossible to pick up the kids after a full day at work and get all of our to-do’s crossed off the list, day after day.  Not to mention family time, me time and us time for the hubby and I.

Pre-DIAF I never meal planned and left things to the last minute.  I was constantly calling my husband on my way home so he could check what we had in the pantry and he would rush off to buy what we lacked. I was stressed out, and never had decent quality time in the evenings with my family.

Enrolling in DIAF and really applying the course was the solution to all of my problems! I now plan the meals for the week in minutes and have groceries delivered; two major problems, solved!  

With Nakita’s system  I can change my mind or shift food plans according to what I have in stock without racking my brains, and we feel so at ease without running back and forth to the shops everyday.

I batch cook on less busy evenings, and my pantry and freezer are super organised.  This means I have dinner ready for those hectic days when I need to run around with the kids, and when I’m tired or simply not in the mood to cookI can take nights off from the cooking without feeling guilty.  In short - I now know what’s on my meal plan and can pull out a pre made meal and BAM dinner in a flash! 

What a much needed course this is! Nakita was always ready to answer questions and put us on the right path during the live sessions. The video lessons were to the point and can be watched at your leisure.
The fact that Nakita was in a similar situation years ago made it all that more relatable and the fact that she came out on the other side makes you realise that it is doable. I'm now in a position where I don't feel that extra weight on my shoulders. Dinner is always sorted!

Felisia Camilleri
Full-time occupational therapist & mum to a 2 year old boy

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Franceanne Borg Rapa
Full-time teacher and mum to 2 boys - 4 years and 5 months

It was already exhausting rushing around to the shops daily and trying to fix last minute dinners when I worked full time and had one son, so let alone when I became a mama to two!  I knew I wanted to fix this problem - I wanted to plan our meals, cook faster, and hopefully reduce some of the stress. 

Stress was playing a big part in my life, mostly because I was taking so long to prepare meals.  I’m a teacher, so I have to prepare paperwork daily. I used to end up wasting precious time I didn’t have trying to get a decent meal on the table and then working up until midnight.

Life after Dinner in a Flash is so different!  I can meal plan in no time, have grocery lists set up really quickly, and shop for most of my ingredients in advance.  Batch cooking and cooking with the slow cooker, freezing meals and planning the whole process has been a real game changer. 

I feel so relaxed knowing there’s food planned for the week, groceries in my pantry, a more organised kitchen and freezer, and meals done in no time - plus days where I don’t cook at all!  DIAF has helped me create a better balance for our family, and has allowed me to take control of what we eat so we can eat healthier. I also have more time to declutter and finish other projects, plus I have more time for my family as well as finally some time for myself!

I’m thankful I took the plunge and signed up for Dinner in a Flash. I never expected to get so much from this course and honestly got SO much more!  I would recommend DIAF to anyone who wants to live a less stressful life. It has changed and is still changing our lives so much.

"It’s a beautiful thing that in today’s hectic world a mother can have some quality time with her family and herself, yet still manages to prepare yummy healthy meals."

-Franceanne Borg Rapa

Marisabelle Bonnici
Full-time business owner newly diagnosed with coeliac

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Audrey Camilleri
IT quality assurance analyst, mum to a 2 year old boy

I signed up for Dinner in a Flash primarily to tackle meal planning.  I used to get so overwhelmed, and I had no idea where to start! To add insult to injury I was cooking daily for 2-3 people and would be utterly exhausted by the end of the week.  I’d be horrified it’s Monday again and back we were to the constant tiring hamster wheel of trying to meal plan, cooking daily, complete exhaustion, bed. Unfortunately this took up the bulk of my days, and I unfortunately didn’t have time for much else, including  quality time with my little one and my husband.

When I enrolled and started on the journey of DIAF I quickly discovered that the solution was a staggered approach.  First, I set up an online grocery list which I invited my husband to use and delegated shopping trips to him as he enjoys going first thing in the morning.

Next, I implemented what we were taught in our batch cooking lessons and invested in a slow cooker.  Life became less stressful. I could plan to sort out some chores because I had meals ready made and in my freezer and an organised system to know exactly what meals were frozen and what my freezer contained.

Thanks to DIAF I am now managing dinner preparation easily, and I am planning ahead for a busy week. I am happy that I took this course as it was quite an eye opener, especially on how to meal plan effectively. There's really no rocket science to feed your family, just simple and correct steps in the right order, which you can learn in DIAF. I highly recommend this course to busy mamas who work full time and don’t have the time or luxury to cook everyday - or even struggle with meal planning. In a nutshell DIAF gave me back my time, which I can now spend with my son and my husband, and I’ve also got time to take care of the house too.

"My kitchen has never been this organised!"

-Marisabelle Bonnici
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Terri Zerafa Heckenlaible
Part-time secretary and mum to a 2 year old girl

I signed up for DIAF because I needed to create some structure and consistency in my and my family's eating habits. 
When Nakita announced she was launching this course I was instantly interested because I'd been following her for a while.  I'd read her book and I knew I could trust her with delivering a great product. 
Before Dinner in a Flash I had absolutely no routine with cooking or shopping, and thinking about what to prepare everyday was wearing me out. I would either go shopping everyday for ingredients we didn't have or we'd end up buying frozen pizza, pies or the like. It wasn't working for our family whatsoever. 
Thanks to DIAF, I now have all the tools I need to make this part of my life so much simpler. Having food ready in the freezer for those 'lazy' days is just wonderful and it feels great to be organised and have finally have full control. 
The course was very easy to follow and the Facebook group was (and is - Nakita even went as far as creating a new group for all ex-DIAF students) a great source of support. The women I've met who were also students are fantastic and I look forward to sharing more of our successes along the way. 
I truly recommend DIAF to anyone wanting to make some effective changes in this area of their lives!

Signing up to DIAF turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made, it re-ignited in me the love for meal preparation but above all sent me on my way towards meal planning, grocery shopping and batch cooking like a pro. 

-Sarah Abela Porsella Flores
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Jocelyn Jones
Full-time teacher and mum to 2 boys, aged 7 and 3 years

As a working mum of 2, my life is understandably hectic.  Just thinking about what and when to cook is an added stressor, so when Nakita launched her ‘5 days to quicker meals’ challenge I signed up immediately.  I very quickly discovered how easy it was to meal plan, batch cook & freeze - so it was a no-brainer to sign up for Dinner in a Flash when it was launched - and thank God I did!

I had tried meal planning many times but I always failed because I did not have a good system in place.  With DIAF I made simple shifts which were so unbelievably effective, and yet never crossed my mind! Meal planning is now a breeze!

Mealtimes overall are now a walk in the park.  I know exactly what I need to do and when. I’ve learnt how to make quick, batch cooked meals after the kids go to sleep.  On other, busier days I know I can rely on my frozen stash of homemade foods so a sticky note to remember to take a meal of the freezer does the trick.

Dinner in a Flash was a lifesaver for me!  I now have healthy meals for all the family on a daily basis.  It just takes me a quarter of the time I spent before DIAF to prepare all of this, leaving me with extra time to spend with my little ones.  If you’re reading this, sign up! You will get so much more than you imagined you would and you’ll be thankful you’ve invested in Nakita’s program!

One of my biggest wins, thanks to the tips given during the course, is that my freezer has been transformed from one filled with raw food to one mainly filled up with cooked food. It feels so good to have healthy meals ready to be served, especially for those days when something goes wrong or the day doesn’t turn out as planned.

-Valerie Bonnici
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Sarah Abela Porsella Flores
Stay-at-home-mum to a 2 year old girl

Dinner in a Flash was launched when I had been struggling for a while with preparing meals for my family. With a toddler in tow, something which until a few years ago I used to thoroughly enjoy now became a daily burden. 

So I took the plunge and registered. Being an avid follower of Nakita I knew there would be no cut corners, and boy was I right! The subjects covered, the detailed documentation, the contributions by professionals, the Facebook Live sessions in the private group, the friendships made, and I can go on and on, this is DIAF. 

Signing up to DIAF turned out to be one of the best decisions I ever made, it re-ignited in me the love for meal preparation but above all sent me on my way towards meal planning, grocery shopping and batch cooking like a pro. Needless to say, I highly recommend that you too join DIAF, you won't regret it!

Your best life awaits

Sign me up!